As a general rule, outsourced IT support is more cost-effective than having an in-house helpdesk. An internal helpdesk would require salaried staff member with many more riders and compliance formalities (ESI, PF, bonus etc) and limited knowledge depending on your company’s size.
Many businesses find that – once they do the maths – outsourced IT support is clearly the better option.
Outsourced IT support also gives you access to a larger bank of expertise and knowledge base. If you choose a good IT support company, they’ll have staff with experience and qualifications in a whole range of areas. Your outsourced IT support company should always be able to find someone to help grow your organisation, no matter what your requirements are.
There are other good reasons to choose outsourced IT support too. It frees up time for people in your business to focus on running and growing it. Many companies find that, as they grow, a knowledgeable member of staff having different profile ends up becoming the IT scapegoat. So called Known to be good with computers, the ‘IT scapegoat’ gets bombarded with requests for help whenever anything goes wrong, distracting him from their actual job profile. but even after working for years cannot do quick resolutions and live-up to users satisfaction.
If a person of non-IT profile in the business spends more time helping staff with computer problems than paying attention to his own job, then you know it’s time to make some changes. And The cost-effective answer is – outsourced IT support.
You make monthly payments to an outsourced IT support company, and your staff to get on with their assigned jobs.
Also, if you turn to outsourced IT support, your support contract should describe a service level agreement (SLA). If the company you’re relying on for outsourced IT support fails to hit response and resolution times defined in the SLA, they should replace the IT professional with higher ability or else face financial penalties.
This is not the case with in-house IT support as you are stuck with limited knowledge of that per person which puts a full-stop on timely upgradation of IT infrastructure and implementation newer Tech to achive high efficiency. Hence, you have a higher chance of your requirements being met by outsourced IT support.
Outsouced IT maintenance can offer, any business, a flexibility of IT professional, Expertise, Work Quality, Healthy & Up-to-date IT infrastructure.